Omni Core: Planets and territories are disputed through a universal tournament known as the SCIFIHI (Science Fighting Heroes Intergalactic), and the Omni Core are the stewards for SCIFIHI. To this end - they established the Gaian Academy for the Enhanced to groom each successive wave of SCIFIHI participants. No longer are the days of wars waged with endless soldiers. Instead, young genetically modified combatants fight for their home dimension, territory and honor. These battles are the number one rated telecast in the whole galaxy and our cast of misfits are media darlings who generate decillions in galactic revenue in merchandise alone!
Training the next generation for the Galactic Tournament hosted on Gaia, It's Omni Core’s job to recruit and screen candidates, train them, and make sure they are combat ready. Omni Core brands itself as hope for Gaia and the rest of the interstellar community. They are a reminder of what life used to be like before End Times in the aftermath of the Earth /Martian War. Omni Core uses its Gimmicks to ensure Gaia’s safety when they are not engaged in SciFiHi as planetary peacekeepers and first responders. Publicly, their official policy is whatever revenue that is generated through the SciFiHi is used to help heal Gaia. Omni Core hopes to create multiple, regional SciFiHi tournaments across space once their mission of saving Gaia is complete.
Recruits into Omni Core are not only measured for ability and aptitude, but for star potential and media acumen as well. The spectacle of SciFiHi makes tournament participants instant celebrities, and Omni Core exploits this galactic appeal to bring attention, and more importantly resources and wealth, to fund causes that benefit a wounded Gaia. However that means the image of Omni Core prospects is tightly managed, and their development strictly overseen.
Powers: Flight, Elemental Control, Energy Projection, Strength.