One thousand years in the future, human culture finds itself under assault.  Earth, now known as the hub-world Gaia, was once a media-centered society, and an engine for both galactic pop-culture and revenue.  Most of all, Gaia was home to the lauded Science Fighting Heroes Intergalactic tournament; or SciFiHi.  

But this all came crashing down when Gaia was set upon by The Killers of the Red Sands, intergalactic raiders, using their unstoppable Chaos Wave. Targeting Gaia’s primal and spiritual energy-source, referred to as the Core, the Killers of the Red Sands’ attacks decimated over half of the world’s population.  As well, after the assault on the Core, new life on Gaia slowed as birth rates dropped. But this depletion would not end on Gaia.  The Killer’s attack on the Core of Gaia would have a ripple effect on all-life supporting worlds in the galaxy.The worlds that once found themselves as participants in the ScFiHi tournament have formed loose alliances in order to prevent what happened on Gaia from happening to their own homeworlds, creating new balances of power in the cosmos.